Sunday, August 23, 2020
Hunger Artist Essay Example For Students
Yearning Artist Essay I will attempt to exhibit what the publics response was to the holy messenger in ? The elderly person with Enormous wings ? also, Kafkas ? Appetite Artist ? from what the creators wrote in the narratives and the characters perspective. I will likewise attempt represent how people in general has to a greater extent an importance in the two stories. In ? An exceptionally elderly person with Enormous Wings ? the general population goes to see the elderly person since they needed to perceive what he was. The proprietors of the house where the elderly person was at, felt that he was a desolate castaway from some remote boat destroyed by the tempest. They thought this since they addressed him and he replied in a boundless tongue with a solid mariners voice. General society hurled him things to eat as though he werent an otherworldly animal however a bazaar creature. At the point when Father Gonzaga went to see the elderly person there was less paltry spectators than the individuals who had shown up before. The least difficult among them felt that he ought to be named city hall leader of the world. Others of sterner brain felt that he ought to be elevated to the position of five-star general so as to win all wars. There were others that trusted he would be put to repeat, so there would be a race of winged astute man who could assume responsibility for the universe. Father Gonzaga suspected that he was an impostor since he didn't comprehend the language of God and didn't have the foggiest idea how to welcome his clergyman. He didn't believe that the elderly person was a holy messenger, he rather felt that it could of been a stunt of the fiend. Inquisitive individuals originated from far away in light of the fact that they imagined that he could fix them and change their adversities. During this time, the elderly person was the one in particular who didn't partake in his own demonstration. During those days a festival fascination showed up with a lady who had been changed to an arachnid. The old keeps an eye on notoriety was at that point destroyed at this point. After this individuals quit going to see the elderly person. Months had past when the elderly person got new wings and just took off. I believe that the heavenly attendant in ? The elderly person with Enormous wings ? might have really remained. He left on the grounds that nobody rewarded him right. They didn't put stock in him since he didn't give them what they needed, so they didn't have confidence in him. People in general could of simply put stock in him and rewarded him well perhaps he would have recovered and afterward he would have gaven them what they needed. In the ?hunger Artist ?, the craftsman needed people in general to value his fasting capacities by watching him and giving him popularity. We know this by the accompanying entry; ? Why quit fasting ?, for what reason should he be cheated of the distinction he would get for enduring longer. ?Proficient fasting had decreased amazingly the most recent decade. For older folks he was frequently a joke, while for youngsters he was an exceptional treat. There were various types of watchers that viewed the craftsman. There were gatherings of watchers who might group to together in a corner to play a game of cards. They proposed to give the craftsman Some space, since they figured he would acknowledge to be distant from everyone else. He didn't, rather it made him hopeless and caused his quick to appear to be horrendous. At that point there are the watchers more to his taste. The watchers that would sit close up to the bars since they were not content with the diminish late evening lighting o n the corridor. The craftsman would not rest, he was glad at going through restless evenings with such watchers. Individuals started to get uninterested in viewing the ? Craving Artist ? since nobody could deliver proof that the quick had truly been continuos; just the craftsman realized that, along these lines he was his solitary fulfilled onlooker of his own quick. A long time past and still nobody paid attention to his difficulty. Individuals felt that his downturn was do to the fasting. They likewise felt that fasting caused him to respond with an upheaval of wrath; he would shake the bars of his enclosure like a wild creature. More years past, out of nowhere the yearning craftsman ended up abandoned by the beguilement searchers and by this he kicked the bucket. .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .postImageUrl , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:hover , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:visited , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:active { border:0!important; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd { show: square; change: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-progress: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: murkiness 250ms; webkit-change: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:active , .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:hover { darkness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; textual style weight: intense; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enhancement: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uf458c01de40f3 d807754ce4546653ccd .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uf458c01de40f3d807754ce4546653ccd:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: What was the main source of the worldcom outrage EssayIn the ? Yearning Artist ? people in general couldn't have quite recently been content in realizing that he was fasting. They perceived how thin he was they despite everything felt that he could have had been eating as an afterthought. This shows the absence of trust individuals have in others. The two stories ought to be thought about on account of their likenesses in the manner the open treats the principle characters. General society was simply intrigued by the ? Yearning Artist ? since he was an amusement for them. They watched him for two or three years, however it at that point arrived at a moment that individuals began saying, ? that they would not watch him any longer since they were not with him throughout the day, so how might they be certain that he was not eating anything as an afterthought. ? General society in ? The exceptionally elderly person with Enormous wings ? were keen on the elderly person since they thought he was a blessed messenger. They quit being keen on him when they saw that he was unable to do marvels for them. With this we can see that general society in the two stories were just lured by the two characters as long as they imagined that they were getting something from them. The open attempted to utilize the characters for their own advantages . I believe that the two essayists are concentrating on how general society responds to the characters in ? The elderly person with Enormous wings ? furthermore, the ? Craving Artist ? since they are attempting to show how the world has changed with regards to having confidence in others or in a strict issue.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Interest Rate SWAPS Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Financing cost SWAPS - Literature survey Example As indicated by Pelsser (2000) the market identified with subordinate protections has been expressed to be seen like a protection showcase comparable to the thought about money related dangers. The fast pace of globalization as far as the capital markets has brought about a critical ascent in the degree of unpredictability identified with loan cost over the globe. Various organizations showed an inclination for buying protection contrary to the rising unlikelihood and insecurity with respect to the market connected to financing cost. Attributable to this specific justification, the market identified with loan cost subsidiaries saw a sharp ascent and advancement during the previous two decades (Crotty and North Carolina State University, 2006). It was expressed by Whaley (2006) that financing cost subsidiaries are alluded to those sort of subordinates which should make accessible the adjustments that are determined by the method of modifications that happens in the loan fees. The comp arative subsidiary items that were utilized with the expectation to deal with and manage the dangers identified with outside trade were found to forces the ability of dealing with the dangers identified with loan fees also (Kohn, 1990). The famous type of subsidiary item that was seen as utilized in this setting was the financing cost trades. ... The benefit of fitting or adjusting the dangers related with loan costs as per the prerequisites of a specific hazard supervisor was credited to be the significant reason behind its fame. Loan fee trades have been perceived to be the most widely applied type of financing cost subsidiary (Grant and Marshall, 1997; Bodnar and et. al., 1995; Moffet and Karlsen, 1994). Loan cost trade has been expressed to be a serious efficacious instrument. It is equipped of being organized at a significant diminished level of cost and is likewise expected to be less expensive in contrast with a new credit with a fixed rate (Schaeffer and Ludwig, 1993). As indicated by Coyle (2001), the idea of financing cost trade is alluded to the trade over of installment of interests dependent on a hypothetical sum with respect to the head. In such occurrences, one specific gathering is accepted to dispense a preset financing cost with respect to the chief sum for the span according to the trade. Correspondingly, t he other included gathering keeps dispensing a coasting financing cost which is adjusted or rather occasionally modified. The idea of loan fee has been clarified as the total of cash or assets that is guaranteed to be paid by a specific borrower to the concerned moneylender. The utilization or the execution of a loan cost is found out to be subject to the level of relative acknowledge hazard as it is accepted that the more the normal level of credit chance, the pace of intrigue that is guaranteed by the particular borrower additionally takes off and gets expanded comparable to it. The loan fee trade is viewed as very well known and has been expressed to be among the boss
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Role of Women in American Civil War - 1925 Words
Role of Women in American Civil War (Essay Sample) Content: Nikki RichardsonRole Of Women In the American Civil WarSpring 2015 Introduction:One of the darkest hours in our countrys history, the Civil Wars irrefutable impact on the lives of Americans had a profound and lasting effect. So often, the causes of the American Civil War have been debated. Many have questioned the actions of those who favored the Union, while others judged the southern loyalist.(Brackman B.,2009) Forced to choose between blood-bonds and friendships, morals and strong personal beliefs, families were torn apart, friendships ended and a nation was faced with unthinkable turmoil. Body The American Civil War was led by individual thought and passionate conviction, principles our country was built on. Since the first colony was established at Jamestown, the state of Virginia has been an extremely influential vessel in creating and shaping our nation. Considered the most politically powerful mother of all states before 1861, Virginia wielded significan t influence within the nations government. A number of strong and prominent figures involved in the cause were bred Virginians.(Jones,2011) The attack on Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861 marked the start of an intense and bloody four years. The effects were harsh and had no boundaries. The violence and brutality that engulfed the next four years proved unprejudiced. Black or white, rich or poor, northern or southern sympathizers, male or female, war affected everyone. Though many great political leaders and war heroes, like Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson, had significant impact on the Civil War, so too did many women.(Jones,2011) With their husbands and fathers, sons and brothers away at war, the role of women changed drastically. In years past, womens focus was generally on the home and creating a comfortable and nurturing environment. War on the home front encouraged a great deal of independence and strength, leading many women to look beyond the home and turn their attention to the war. The Civil War impacted women by encouraging independence and inspiring a more active role in the war effort. Organizations were created to aid and supply soldiers and the war effort with necessities such as food, clothing and medical supplies. Some women made blankets and uniforms, while others tended their garden and provided food.(Frank L. ,2008) Those women who sought a more active role in the war efforts became nurses and spies, placing them on the front lines. With their many contributions, women had as much an impact on the war as it had on them. The many roles women played, from homemaker to nurse, southern belle to Yankee spy, slave to secret agent, defined a new generation of women. Passion and independence, courage and strength, led such women as Elizabeth Van Lew, Sally Louisa Tompkins, Maria Boyd, and Elizabeth Bowser to do great things and impact a nation at the height of one of its most trying times. Born and raised in Ri chmond, Virginia, Elizabeth Van Lew was a unique character with a passionate and sympathetic heart. Her contribution to the war efforts can, in many ways, be attributed to the influential role of her parents and childhood experiences. The Van Lew family was extremely wealthy and a prominent figure within Richmonds elite society. Slavery flourished throughout the states, along with the moral implications of whether or not it was humane and just.(Brackman B.,2009) The Van Lews found a middle ground within the conflict, creating a unique arrangement between themselves and slavery. While they purchased and owned slaves, the Van Lews believed slavery was wrong and sought its eradication. The slaves in the Van Lew house were treated with kindness, often as though they were an extended part of the family. Through charity and manumission, the Van Lew family fought slavery while still maintaining a semi-acceptable role in southern society. Upon the death of Elizabeths father, John Va n Lew, the Van Lew womens struggle with slavery became more apparent. Eliza Van Lew, Elizabeths mother, greatly influenced her views and beliefs on the subject. Records indicate that Eliza Van Lew baptized Mary Jane, one of their household slaves, in St. Johns church, which was a very rare honor for a black slave. Not long after, Eliza proceeded to sell property she had inherited from her late husband to a couple of African American females.(Frank L.,2008). Actions such as these deeply expressed the Van Lew womens disapproval of slavery. Elizabeth Van Lew harbored strong feelings of love and commitment toward her slaves over the years. She had a compassionate heart and fearless conviction comprised of morals and beliefs instilled by her mother. She was not afraid to express her thoughts on the subject of slavery and became a pillar for the oppressed. Her fight for justice and hope for humanity led her down a righteous path as humanitarian and spy. (Jones,2011)Living in the heart of the confederacy at the start of the Civil War created turmoil in Elizabeths heart. Virginias decision to secede from the Union and join in the souths fight for slavery was a disappointment to Elizabeth. She felt a sense of betrayal and struggled with Virginias decision. Thus, at the start of the Civil War Elizabeth found herself a true Unionist living in a Confederate society. Her tenacious and unwavering determination to persuade others against slavery was a force to be reckoned with. Gaining access to Libby prisoners, Elizabeth was able to bring food and clothing, among other things, to them. (Brackman B.,2009)) She acquired information from Union soldiers about Confederate troops and passed the information along to Union commanders. Elizabeth also aided in several prison breaks, obtaining and passing along information about safe houses to Union soldiers.(Brackman B.,,2009) Her involvement in the war effort was up close and personal. She sought to sway others toward an abolitionist view and found various ways to infiltrate the Confederate army. Elizabeths dedication and persistence in the fight against slavery had a great impact on the Civil War. Her actions greatly contribute to the success of the Union army. Isabella Marie Boyd, better known as Belle Boyd, was yet another female struck by the turmoil of the Civil War. In spite of her familys lack of fortune, Belle received a decent education all the way through college. Her extreme involvement in the Civil War was not independently sought.(Jones,2011) Instigated by Union soldiers who attempted to exert their power over her and her mother, Belle became enraged and defiant against the Unions cause. Belle Boyd did not seem to fear death or any other consequence threatened to her for treason against the Union army. She was a southern loyalist and fiercely determined to help bring victory to the Confederacy. (Frank L.,2008) Using her fathers hotel in Front Royal, Virginia, Belle a cquired useful information from Union soldiers and passed them along to the Confederate army. Meetings held at the hotel by Union commanders, were easy for Belle to gain access to. She was also well equipped with a southern charm most men fell victim too, unknowingly confiding valuable information. Braving bullets and tempting death many times, Belle became an extraordinary heroine in the eyes of the Confederacy.(Brackman B.,2009) She was imprisoned several times for her acts of espionage against the Union army, but somehow always managed to escape persecution. For her contribution and war efforts, Belle Boyd received the Southern Cross of Honor. Belle spent some time abroad after the war ended, but eventually returned to America and began spreading her adventures as a Confederate spy. Sally Tompkins was a remarkable young lady who served the Confederate army during the Civil War. Sallys contribution to the cause came in the form of a hospital. Using her familys wealth and influence, Sally opened a facility to tend to the wounded in 1861, Robertson Hospital. President Jefferson Davis insisted that hospitals tending to military personal be under military supervision. Sallys facility had made great progress and had achieved great success with their patients, thus inspiring President Davis to allow her to continue operating.(Frank L,2008) The commission Sally received from the President made her the first and only female employed by the Confederate army. The commission Sally received from the Confederate government provided aided in the form of food and money. Operating a medical facility was a costly venture and costs could not always be covered by donations or Sallys inheritance, thus government aide was appreciated. Sallys unquestionable obsession with cleanliness, no doubt, had a profound effect on the success rate of Robertson Hospital. (Jones,2011) The mortality rate of the facility during the four year blood bath was less than one hundred. This was well known throughout the south and many commanders insisted their wounded only be sent to Sallys facility. Sally Tompkins remarkable contribution to the war had a profound and lasting effect on the south. Her passion for easing the pain of others did not go unnoticed. Sallys actions during the Civil War left her a great inspiration in the south and a lasting heroine in womens history. With her fortune lacking at wars end, Sally continued with her charitable contributions, dedicating the rest of her life to providing others with hope and solace.(Frank L.2008) Though little is known about Mary Elizabeth Bowser, she has the privilege of being accredited one of the most successful spies for the Union...
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
When Did the U.S. Deploy Troops to Vietnam
Under the authority ofà President Lyndon B. Johnson, the United States first deployed troops to Vietnam in 1965 in response to the Gulf of Tonkin Incident of August 2 and 4, 1964. On March 8, 1965, 3,500 U.S. Marines landed near Da Nang in South Vietnam, thereby escalating theà Vietnam Conflictà and marking the United States first action of the subsequent Vietnam War. The Gulf of Tonkin Incident During August of 1964, two separate confrontations occurred between Vietnameseà and American forces in the waters of the Gulf of Tonkinà that became known as the Gulf of Tonkin (or USS Maddox) Incident. Initial reports from the United States blamed North Vietnam for the incidents, but controversy has since arisen over whether or not the conflict was a deliberate act by U.S. troops to instigate a response. The first incident occurred on August 2, 1964. Reports claim that while performing a patrol for enemy signals, the destroyer ship USS Maddox was pursued by three North Vietnamese torpedo boats from the 135th Torpedo Squadron of the Vietnam Navy. The U.S. destroyer fired three warning shots and the Vietnam fleet returned torpedo and machine gun fire. In the subsequent sea battle, Maddox used over 280 shells. One U.S. aircraft and three Vietnam torpedo boats were damaged and four Vietnameseà sailors were reported to have been killed with over six more reported as injured. The U.S. reported no casualties and the Maddox was relatively undamaged with the exception of a single bullet hole. On August 4, 1964, a separate incident was filed wherein the National Security Agency claimed the U.S. fleet was again pursued by torpedo boats, though later reports revealed that the incident was merely a reading of false radar images and not an actual conflict. The Secretary of Defense at the time, Robert S. McNamara, admitted in a 2003 documentary entitled The Fog of Warà that the second incident never occurred. The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution Also known as the Southeast Asia Resolution, the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution (Public Law 88-40, Statute 78, Pg 364) was drafted by Congress in response to the two attacks on U.S. Navy ships in the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. Proposed and approved on August 7, 1964, as a joint resolution by Congress, the resolution was enacted on August 10. The resolution carries historical significance because it authorized President Johnson to use conventional military force in Southeast Asia without officially declaring war. Specifically, it authorized the use of whatever force necessary to assist any member of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty (or Manilla Pact) of 1954. Later, Congress under President Richard Nixon would vote to repeal the Resolution, which critics claimed gave the president a blank check to deploy troops and engage in foreign conflicts without officially declaring war. The Limited War in Vietnam President Johnsons plan for Vietnam hinged on keeping U.S. troops south of the demilitarized zone separating North and South Korea. In this way, the U.S. could lend aid to Southeast Asia Treaty Organization (SEATO) without getting too involved. By limiting their fight to South Vietnam, U.S. troops would not risk more lives with a ground assault on North Korea or interrupt the Viet Congs supply path running through Cambodia and Laos. Repealing The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the End of Vietnam War It wasnt until rising opposition (and many protests) domestically in the United States and Nixons election in 1968 that the U.S. was able to finally begin pulling troops back from the Vietnam conflict and shift control back to South Korea for war efforts. Nixon signed the Foreign Military Sales Act of January 1971 abolishing the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution. To further limit presidential powers to make military actions without directly declaring war, Congress proposed and passed the War Powers Resolution of 1973 (despite a veto from President Nixon). The War Powers Resolution requires the President to consult Congress in any matter where the U.S. hopes to engage in hostilities or may possibly yield hostilities because of their actions abroad. The resolution is still in effect today. The United States pulled its final troops from South Vietnam in 1973. The South Vietnam government surrendered in April 1975, and on July 2, 1976, the country officially united and became the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Glass Ceiling and the Wage Gap Essay - 1984 Words
Women face many obstacles as they climb their careerââ¬â¢s hierarchy and for many different reasons their wage is comparably less than that of males. After the movements toward equality in the workplace, many think that sex discrimination isnââ¬â¢t present anymore. However, many still believe that the glass ceiling hasnââ¬â¢t shattered and still possesses a barrier for many women in the labor force. The glass ceiling and the wage gap exist for various reasons but, like many other women leaders, women can break the glass and abolish the gap. INTRODUCTION The glass ceiling is defined as the ââ¬Å"unseen, yet unbreachable barrier that keepsâ⬠¦ women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements.â⬠â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In the law field, women ââ¬Å"attorneys earn 80.5 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts.â⬠In the medical field, ââ¬Å"female physicians and surgeons earn 64.4 cents on the dollar.â⬠In retail, females earn ââ¬Å"70.6 cents for every dollar earned byâ⬠male counterparts. Females in full-time managerial positions ââ¬Å"earn 81 cents for every dollar earned by their male manager peersâ⬠and ââ¬Å"female truck drivers earnâ⬠¦ 76.4 cents on the dollar.â⬠The remaining money from the female-male wage gap ââ¬Å"may attribute to discriminatory practices.â⬠The differences in income exist but ââ¬Å"women work close to two-thirds of the worldââ¬â¢s work hours [and] earn only one-tenth of t he worldââ¬â¢s incomeâ⬠(Graham 148). Equality ââ¬Å"for both sexes is still somewhat elusive at homeâ⬠(146). In the United States, ââ¬Å"women make up more than 50 percent of the populationâ⬠but there are only ââ¬Å"20 women in the Senate [out of 100 Senators] and 79 women in the House of Representatives [out of 435 Representatives]â⬠with no female President and only one ââ¬Å"vice presidential candidate, Geraldine Ferraro, in 1984â⬠(146-147). ThoughShow MoreRelatedGender Inequality in Workforce904 Words à |à 4 Pagesand Sharp 2005). But still gender inequality has been ongoing debate in the workforce for many years (Lannin 2009). Many people argue that there are inequality in earnings and glass ceiling (ibid.). Therefore, this essay will analyze the gender inequality in the Australian workforce and it will also suggest solutions. Wage Discrimination There is no doubt that income inequality has increased in the last two decades (Hiau 2005). According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS, Cat 6203.0) showedRead MoreWomen Workers In Society Have Been And Still Are Deemed1636 Words à |à 7 Pagesmen or experience the ââ¬Ëglass ceilingââ¬â¢ effect, women are forced into education or domestic responsibility and are seen to pursue in feminized or feminine sectors of the workforce (Cool, J, 2010). Thus saying, I argue this thinking is validated thorough the practices of gender inequality, most importantly thorough the existence of the gender wage gap. The gender wage gap is defined as ââ¬Å"the gap between the median wages for men and women. The gap between men s and womenââ¬â¢s wages exists in nearly everyRead MoreGender Gap Between The Workforce And Affects A Large Group Of Individuals942 Words à |à 4 Pages Historically, discussions concerning wage gaps have been highly controversial. However, many agree that t he underlying issue exists within the workforce and affects a large group of individuals. Without weighing in factors such as visible minorities, race, ethnic background, and familial status, the wage gap exists among full-time workers where women are paid 79% of their counterpart. Therefore, this topic is important to employers and employees. Firstly, all employees deserve equal benefits forRead MoreThe Gender Differences Of The United States Work Force1721 Words à |à 7 Pages21st century, yet itââ¬â¢s the ugly truth. A gender gap is created due to differences in authority, pay, and promotion. Research shows us that economic variations exist and, through past cases we see that even though it has been twenty-five years that Title VII has passed; segregation ceases to exist. Coined by Hymowitz and Schellhardt in the Wall Street Journal more than twenty years ago, the barriers women face in the workplace earned the term ââ¬Å"glass ceiling,â⬠continues to exist in U.S. la bor. It is importantRead MoreGender Inequality Within The Workplace1379 Words à |à 6 Pageshormonal differences. There is a natural difference also in the relative physical strengths of the sexes. In the workplace Income disparities linked to job stratification Wage discrimination exists when workers are equally qualified and perform the same work but one group of workers is paid more than another. Historically, wage discrimination has favored men over similarly qualified women. Income disparity between genders stems from processes that determine the quality of jobs and earnings associatedRead MoreEssay on Gender Inequality in the Workplace1247 Words à |à 5 Pagescountries where ââ¬Å"machismoâ⬠is part of the culture. Women and men should be given the same kind of job without any discriminatory distinction, and the same average wage for the same comparable job; because even though it complies with the civil right of every individual male or female, it gives place to more development and shrinks even less the wage gap in society. Since the beginning of history, women have been known as the ââ¬Å"weak genderâ⬠. This misconception had shaped the model for a system dominated byRead MoreGender Wage Gap in America1565 Words à |à 7 PagesThe Gender Wage Gap in America The gender wage gap has been around since women began having jobs and careers. Though in the beginning the gender wage gap was purely do to discrimination by social stereotypes, now it has become more complicated than that. The issue today has evolved into a complex issue which combines our American culture with business economics. As a result, some are skeptical of the issue and some are very adamant in their beliefs. The issue encompasses not only gender stereo typesRead MoreWomenââ¬â¢s Income Inequality and The American Dream Essay1358 Words à |à 6 Pageswhat is known as the ââ¬Å"Glass Ceilingâ⬠. Women do not get promoted in the work place and arenââ¬â¢t getting equal pay as men. This also leads to wag gap between the men and women. Both create income inequality for women and affect their American Dream. There is a long history of women having to deal with the ââ¬Å"Glass Ceilingâ⬠. Over time woman have made progress but more progress is needed to make thing s equal. Women suffer from income inequality because of the ââ¬Å"Glass Ceilingâ⬠and wag gap, thus going againstRead MoreGender Inequality During World War II1686 Words à |à 7 Pagesthe military. Women took over the civilian jobs but earned less than men for the same work. Unions were formed because of worrisome men who thought women in the labor field would replace them because of the lower earnings received by women or their wage would be lowered (ââ¬Å"Equal Pay Act of 1963â⬠, 2015). Therefore, the Equal Pay Act of 1963 was signed by President John F. Kennedy on June 10, 1963, to keep the business community at peace. In regards to the Equal Pay Act, The U.S. Equal Employment OpportunityRead MoreThe Glass Ceiling And Gender Gap Between Men And Women771 Words à |à 4 Pagesare able to outperform their competitors on every measure of profitability and growth (Hoobler et al. 2016; Cook Glass, 2014). However, the overall scenario is not encouraging, and the women are still widely struggling to represent themselves in corporate leadership. Less than 5% of the 1,000 major U.S. organizations have female CEOs (, 2016). Moreover, the glass ceiling (a barrier that restricts women from moving up in the corporate hierarchy to the management and executive roles) and
American Poet Essay Example For Students
American Poet Essay Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes a poem by American poet, Lawrence Fernlinghetti. In this poem, he showed an insignificant, everyday incident a meeting of a garbage truck and an elegant open Mercedes to make reader think about the important issue of the differences between social classes.Ã Two pairs of people meet together in downtown San Francisco as they were stopped by a red traffic light. The poem describes their meeting: Two garbage men are returning from their work, all dirty and grungy and an elegant young couple, perfectly clean on their way to work. Fernlinghetti by using colours, an extended metaphor and vivid descriptions emphasis as the huge social gap between these two pairs who normally would not meet in everyday life but have been brought together by this incident. We will write a custom essay on American Poet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now The garbage truck is bright yellow and garbage men wear red plastic blazer and here Fernlinghetti uses primary colours to show simplicity of garbage mens work. The material which is used for mens clothing suggests they clothing is cheap and uncomfortable. The first man is an old man with grey iron hair, a hunched back and gargoyle appearance. Fernlinghetti names this old guy Quasimodo to illustrate his appearance as it is a reference to a well-known story about Notre Dames bell-ringer. The second garbage men is a young man with long hair and sunglasses. The elegant Mercedes is driven by a young man, about the same age as the younger scavenger and he also has long hair and wears sunglasses. In addition he wears a hip three-piece linen suit. Lien is a comfortable, expensive material and is used to show the wealth of this man. A young blonde woman sitting in the Mercedes is causally coifed and wears a short skirt with coloured stockings. Fernlinghetti shows the reader the huge contrast in the standard of living between these two couples and way that they live. All four live in the same city but are worlds apart, however, they still rely on each other. Without garbage men, an elegant couple would live in an environment surrounded by large amounts of waste. Without the elegant couple, garbage men would have no people to work for. The expression describing blonde women as casually coifed is an oxymoron. Coifed suggests a hairdresser spent long hours on creating hair so stylish to make young woman stand out even if wearing casual skirt with coloured stockings. The hardness of garbage mens life style is suggested by referring them to two scavengers. Fernlinghetti also creates an enormous contrast by comparing the older scavengers grey iron hair with the perfect hair of the young woman. Also, the gargoyle Quasimodo appearance of older garbage men shows his ugliness and contrasts with the womans beauty. He continues the comparisons between two couples and now Fernlinghetti develops the similarities between the younger scavenger and the Mercedess driver. Both are wearing sunglasses, long hair and want to be fashionable but that is all they have in common.Ã As the garbage men glaze down at the cool couple they dream about: wealth, having a fashionable life style and driving a Mercedes. They are probably convinced that they will never be like the young couple and can only dream, in the words of Fernlinghetti: as if they were watching some odorless TV ad. However the Mercedes couple continue to ignore garbage men: they mean nothing to them and are not a In the last part of poem, Lawrence Fernlinghetti develops an extended metaphor and compares the world to a sea and the social gap between two couples to a small gulf. He does so to set blame on the ideas on democracy and the government for expanding the social gap rather than closing it.Ã Two Scavengers in a Truck, Two Beautiful People in a Mercedes was written to make his readers think about their own lives and their own role in the society. Lawrence Fernlinghettis writing skill allowed him to turn an everyday lifes incident into a thought-provoking short poem.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Nicholas Fraser and Marysa Navarros biography Evita Essay Example
Nicholas Fraser and Marysa Navarros biography Evita Paper Nicholas Fraser and Marysa Navarros biography Evita is a cogent work that incorporates the childhood, acting career, political emergence, and subsequent adoration of the Argentine populace. Arguing that Evitas underprivileged childhood is the explanatory variable for her future actions, goals, and ambitions, the authors assert that Evita shou7ldered the burden of Argentinas poor workers, or descamisados, and by doing so, solidified the regime of her husband Juan Peron. Utilizing a thematic and chronological style, Fraser and Navarro clearly demonstrate that politically, socially, and economically Evita Maria Duarte de Peron strove her entire life to overcome the scarring poverty induced by her childhood and prevent others from suffering a similar fate. Evita was born on the featureless pampas in the hinterland of Argentina in 1919 a bastard child. Such a second marriage between her mother and an already married public servant were not unusual in the era,1 yet her father Juan Duartes return to his first family in a neighboring town impoverished mother dona Juana and her five illegitimate children. 2 Determining to abandon such a dismal life, and the unpromising future that poverty on the pampas entailed, Eva left her small town of Junin in 1935 to pursue a dream of becoming an actress when she was merely fifteen. Evita, even at this tender age, was ambitious, for she ad no money, little education, and no proven talents, but she wanted to conquer the city and be a star. 3 Experiencing little success, Evita scraped by as a mediocre actress in theatre, radio soap operas, and even starred ina few motion pictures until her star crossed with that of Juan Peron, an up and coming military officer in the military government that had ousted civilian rule in 1943. They met during a fundraiser for the destitute families of an Andean earth quake that had rocked the western city of San Juan, and she shortly thereafter became his mistress. We will write a custom essay sample on Nicholas Fraser and Marysa Navarros biography Evita specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Nicholas Fraser and Marysa Navarros biography Evita specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Nicholas Fraser and Marysa Navarros biography Evita specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Again demonstrating her resolve and desire to make something of herself, Evita had merely loaded up a truck with her own possessions, took them to Perons apartment, and told the girl who was living with the colonel to leave. 4 Again and again, as the authors demonstrate, Evita sought to alter her prescribed position in the social strata of Argentina. So, as it was, for the first year and a half of their life together Peron and Evita lived not as collaborators, but as colonel and mistress,5 which was not an approved action by Perons military contacts. This unsavory relationship contributed Evita to become a liability, both militarily and politically, and even led to Perons brief imprisonment by the Navy in 1945. However, the authors point out that, even at this early stage of Peronism, Evita was becoming an integral part of Perons propaganda machine, using the experience and contacts garnered through radio to slant the medias portrayal of events in a favorable light towards her lover. 6 When Peron and Evita emerged victorious overlooking the crowd of shirtless working-class supporters in the Plaza de Mayo in 1945, Evita achieved the dream of shedding her past. She was soon married to Peron (for no Argentinean head of state had ever blatantly lived with a mistress), president of one of the richest nations that arose out of the ashes of the Second World War. Evita even doctored her birth and marriage certificates to hide her illegitimacy, thus fully transforming herself from rags to riches. She consciously wore extravagant jewelry and clothing in an effort to convey this image. As the woman once said to a critic, Look, they want to see me beautiful. Poor people dont want someone to protect them who is old and dowdy. They all have their dreams about me and I dont want to let them down. 8 Evita took this personal belief even further by using her influence with Peron and his new labor party to help out the destitute. After returning from a highly publicized tour of Europ e (further signifying her socio-economic transformation), Evita began to take a greater interest in the politic of her husbands regime. Actively seeking to become the Bridge of Love between Peron and his constituency, she established the Eva Peron Foundation, funded by the government, to aid the destitute. 9 It is the role that she had the most lasting political influence, for the system of patronage that Evita established continually delivered the working class vote to Peron. By virtually forcing unions to donate gifts to her foundation, Evita gained a considerable amount of capital for her social programs an estimated 200 million (USD) in 1973. In fact, giving was so widespread that it had to be viewed as an alternative form of taxation. 10 Some of this money was given as direct aid to those that wrote her and came to her office,11 some for basic necessities like shoes and pots,12 and some was used for ambitious projects like nursing homes and primary schools in Buenos Airess poorest barrios. 13 However, all were used to further the political career of Peron, even though Evita was genuinely concerned about the welfare of the masses. For example, Perons image was on each wall of every hospital or home built by the Foundation. 4 Yet the results were undeniable, for many citizens entered what Fraser and Navarro deemed the New Argentina through these ambitious programs. Through a personal desire to eradicate poverty based on her own childhood circumstances, Eva became the integral link between unions, the masses and Peron, and was thus just as integral to Peronism as Peron himself. Evita Perons life and political ambitions of becoming vice president were cut short, however, in 1952 by cancer of the uterus. Millions idolized their beloved Evita and her death even spurred one union to lobby Rome for her canonization. 5 There is much strength in Fraser and Navarros book, one being the relative objective stance taken by the authors. Making not drastic claims about their subject, the authors avoided both the deification and vilification of the women. They accurately portray Evita as a multi-faceted person who struggled with her past, was mesianically devoted to her husband, yet also erred, completely recreating her past and blatantly lying in her autobiography. Fraser and Navarro do not choose sides in the sinner/saint debate, but merely distill the myth s from the truths. For example, the authors carefully noted that Evita, during her acting career, had on one rare occasion slept with the producer to obtain a role. 16 But she became quite successful by 1939 out of hard work and establishing connections at the office of a movie magazine, not by becoming a putita. 17 Another example of the authors carefully weighing of the historical evidence is the books treatment of her slow demise. Evitas increasingly disjointed public utterances toward the end of her life were not a call for the use of political violence as some critics claim, but merely because of the pain induced by her cancer. 8 Fraser and Navarro do not merely produce a one-sided, polarized debate on the life of Evita, but a nuanced, balanced, and accurate portrayal of her rise to international fame. Additionally, the authors sustain their argument from the introduction to the epilogue. Although each chapter deals with a specific theme or era in the life of Evita, all address the womans desire t o change her social status. Not only do the authors construct a cogent argument about the life of Evita, but also give the reader a holistic picture of post-World War Two Argentina. Through the protagonist, her husband, descriptions of the international political setting, Argentinas ISI economic model, and the class and political alliances developed during Peronism, all facets of Argentine society are addressed. The life of Evita is admirably not portrayed in an economic, political, or sociological vacuum. Another laudable feature of the biography is the style. The diction is easily understood and is not packed with convoluted academic jargon that leads to confusion (most likely due to Frasers journalistic background). The authors are direct, clear, and animated. For example, the aforementioned quote concerning Evitas Cinderella portrayal paints a vivid portrait in the readers mind of the womans determination to transform herself. Additionally, the assigning of individual chapters specific categories (such as wife of the President or the gift of giving) creates a work that allows the reader to focus on one issue at a time and thus understand the isolated chronology of her childhood, struggles in Buenos Aires, and political contributions that does not sacrifice the readers perception of historical time. Other features of the book aid the reader, namely the addition of an index, illustrations, and a concise bibliography for those interested in a more in depth study of the subject. Perhaps the greatest asset of the work is Fraser and Navarros use of sources. They use first hand accounts like priests conversations with Evita, newspaper articles of the era, personal interviews conducted by the authors, and original documents written by Evita and Juan Peron. In short, the reader can be assured that Evita is a reliable and scholarly work. The authors took great pains to be thorough and researched many different kinds of sources. The book is not without its flaws however. In my opinion, the authors treatment of the worlds reaction to Evita, particularly that of other Latin American nations, was neglected. Although it may be beyond the scope of the biography, it would have been useful to compare Evita with other Latin American women who achieved considerable political power or who were involved with mass movements. It would have also been useful for Navarro and Fraser to further develop Evitas personal life beyond extreme devotion to Peron, for they merely state: she was perpetually on guard on Perons behalf19 and that she was loyal to him because she loved him. The biography does not deal with, save the character of Lilian, any of Evitas relationships besides that of her husband. Interaction with her family, confidants, and inner circle of friends are largely ignored. However, the aforementioned criticisms do not detract from the quality of this biography. It is an intriguing work that should be read by all those interested in Latin American history. It is a stellar academic source of Eva Peron that has separated out the truth from the myth and accurately depicts Argentine society in the mid twentieth century.
Monday, March 16, 2020
What Is Subrogation Should You Waive It
What Is Subrogation Should You Waive It SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Signing up for car insurance and not sure if it's worth it to pay a premium to waive subrogation? Or maybe you've been in an accident and the other person has offered to settle with you if you sign a waiver of subrogation- should you do it? What is subrogation, really? Before you decide, you'll need to understand what subrogation is and why you would (or wouldn't) want to waive it. In this guide, we define subrogation and explain when and why it occurs to help you make an informed decision. What Is Subrogation? In laymanââ¬â¢s terms, subrogation occurs when Person A owes something (usually money) to Person B, and Person C steps in and legally takes Person Bââ¬â¢s place (including the rights to what Person A owed to Person B). An example would be if you owed money to a loan company and someone else bought your debt. The person who bought your debt could then use subrogation to have you pay them back the debt (even though you didnââ¬â¢t borrow any money from this person originally). Hereââ¬â¢s the more technical subrogation definition: ââ¬Å"The substitution of one person in the place of another with reference to a lawful claim, demand or right so that he who is substituted succeeds to the rights of the other in relationship to the debt or claim, and its rights, remedies, or securities.â⬠(source: Black's Law Dictionary) Youââ¬â¢re most likely to encounter subrogation when dealing with insurance claims, but it can also crop up in situations with guarantors (like co-signers of a lease or a loan). How Does Subrogation Work? Because the most common place people encounter subrogation is in dealing with car insurance, Iââ¬â¢ll explain it through an example of a car insurance claim. Letââ¬â¢s say you're driving along the highway one day and you get into an accident with another driver. One of your brake lights is cracked, your rear bumper is hanging off one side, and you need a new paint job. To pay for the repairs to your car, you file a claim to your insurance company with the other driverââ¬â¢s insurance information and cross your fingers. If your insurance company determines the other party was at fault, theyââ¬â¢ll pay the claim to cover the damage (minus your deductible). You get your car repaired, and your life goes on as usual. Behind the scenes, however, your insurance company will seek to recover their costs from the other partyââ¬â¢s insurance company (or if thatââ¬â¢s not possible, from the other party). It is the right of subrogation that allows your insurer to seek to recoup the money that they paid out to you in the claim from the at-fault party. For the most part, the only involvement you'll have in this whole process is if your insurance company chooses to pursue subrogation. If they do, theyââ¬â¢re legally obligated to inform you and attempt to recover the cost of your deductible as part of the money they're seeking from the at-fault party. If your insurance company does pursue subrogation, they'll require you to cooperate with their subrogation attempt. Among other things, this means that you likely wonââ¬â¢t be permitted to sign a waiver of subrogation after an accident or claim. What Is a Waiver of Subrogation? A waiver of subrogation means that you give up your right to have another party (usually your insurance company) attempt to recover what a third party owes you. Let's return to the example of car insurance for a moment. Most insurance contracts forbid you from signing a waiver of subrogation after youââ¬â¢ve already filed a claim. You may be able to sign one in advance of any accident if your insurance allows for adding waiver of subrogation endorsements to existing policies. If you do this, however, your insurance company might charge you an extra premium to try and minimize their losses that way. By signing a waiver of subrogation, you waive your car insurerââ¬â¢s right to try to recover their costs (including the cost of your deductible). Youââ¬â¢re most likely to come across waiver of subrogation clause after an accident if the at-fault party in the accident or their insurance company attempts to settle with you directly (without going through your insurance company). Theyââ¬â¢ll want you to sign a waiver of subrogation so that theyââ¬â¢re not at risk of being hit up twice for the same incident (once from you, once from your car insurance pursuing subrogation). In most cases, your own car insurance will require you to notify them if youââ¬â¢ve decided to sign a waiver of subrogation (just as they have to notify you if they opt to pursue subrogation against the at-fault party or their insurance). That way, your insurance company wonââ¬â¢t waste time and legal fees trying to get back money the at-fault party already paid out to you. Should You Sign a Waiver of Subrogation? While signing a waiver of subrogation can save you the hassle of lawsuits and dealing with insurance claims, it also means youââ¬â¢re far less likely to be able to recover any non-out-of-pocket costs (like all or part of your deductible). If you let your insurance company pursue subrogation, they become responsible for all the legal fees and paperwork and hassle- all you have to do is wait and see if theyââ¬â¢re successful in recovering any of your deductible. Therefore, you should be very cautious about signing a waiver of subrogation clause, either in your car insurance contract or for a settlement after an accident. Not only might it be forbidden if youââ¬â¢ve already filed an insurance claim and didnââ¬â¢t have a waiver of subrogation signed with your insurance company before, but it could also mean that you end up with a smaller payment than you would otherwise. The only reasons to consider signing a waiver of subrogation are if: you have sizeable out-of-pocket costs that youââ¬â¢re hoping to recover (since your insurance company can only pursue subrogation for costs theyââ¬â¢re responsible for), OR you believe youââ¬â¢ll be able to get a more favorable settlement than your insurance company would Even in these cases, however, be aware that if you sign a waiver of subrogation after the accident, your insurance might refuse to pay all or some of your claim (making it imperative that you win your suit against the at-fault party or their insurance). Other Kinds of Subrogation Aside from dealing with car insurance, you might encounter subrogation claims in a few other situations. Subrogation will most often be at issue when it comes to various types of insurance, including homeownersââ¬â¢ insurance- and health insurance-related subrogation claims, but it can occur with contracts of any sort. In the next couple of sections, we'll discuss the other two most common ways you'll come across subrogation in your day-to-day life: health insurance and student loan repayment. Health Insurance Subrogation For health insurance, subrogation most often comes up in the context of personal injury lawsuits. If you successfully sue another party for medical damages, your health insurance will often make a claim for part of your settlement through their right of subrogation. This might seem strange at first, but it turns out thereââ¬â¢s a good (and in most cases, fair) reason for this. As with car insurance, when you sign up for health insurance, part of what you agree to is that the health insurance company will pay your claims on the condition that it has the right to seek reimbursement for your claims from whoever is responsible. When you go to the doctorââ¬â¢s office, youââ¬â¢re the responsible party, which is why you pay your premiums and have a co-pay. When it comes to a situation where youââ¬â¢ve been injured in an accident by a third party and have successfully won a suit against them, however, this changes- that third party is now responsible for your medical bills. If your health insurance company is to get reimbursed at all for your medical expenses, it must be from that third partyââ¬â¢s payment to you. They canââ¬â¢t claim it from the third party themselves ââ¬â otherwise, youââ¬â¢d be getting doubly reimbursed (your medical bills paid by the insurance company + the settlement from the third party), and the third party would be getting doubly charged, which is against the law. So while it might seem unfair that your health insurance company gets part of the settlement, it makes sense. The good news is that you wonââ¬â¢t have to pay more than the insurer would pay for the same services. For instance, if a hospital charges $2,000 for a lab test connected to your treatment but your insurance company only has to pay $400, you would only owe the insurance company $400 out of your settlement. Student Loan Subrogation Currently, the federal government offers direct student loans, which means the loans are offered directly through and guaranteed against default by the Department of Education. If you took out a federal student loan before 2010, however, your loan would have been guaranteed by a separate student loan guarantor agency. If your loan involves a guarantor of any kind, it could be subrogated if the agency that originally guaranteed your loan you sells off your loans to a third party. The most common case where this occurs is when the Department of Education buys back a loan from one of these agencies. Unless it is otherwise prohibited by law or the loan contract you originally signed, the Department of Education can then step into the shoes of the original student loan guarantor agency to collect the loan back from you, even if you had defaulted on the loan. Besides causing you the financial burden of having to pay back a defaulted student loan, student loan subrogation will also have a negative impact on your credit score. Because the subrogation means that you now technically owe money to someone new (even though you havenââ¬â¢t taken out a new loan), your defaulted loan will reappear on your credit history and cause your credit score to drop. Subrogation Claims: The Bottom Line You can define subrogation as what happens when you owe something (usually money) to one entity and a second entity steps into the shoes of the first entity to collect whatââ¬â¢s owed. Subrogation most often comes up in the context of car insurance claims, but it can be pursued under other circumstances as well, including health insurance claims and student loan repayment. In the context of insurance, you might be able to sign a waiver of subrogation endorsement before any issues arise for an additional premium. If you try to sign a waiver of subrogation afterwards, however, you might end up having your insurance claim partially or totally rejected. If you have a defaulted loan that gets subrogated, it will reappear on your credit report after subrogation because you now owe money to someone new Whatââ¬â¢s Next? Carrying a lot of student loan debt and not sure what the best way to pay it off is? Learn when and how to consolidate your student loans. If you have a bad credit score, what are your credit card options? Read our comprehensive list of the best unsecured credit cards for people with bad credit here.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
1984 Essays (1274 words) - Nineteen Eighty-Four, Julia, Telescreen
1984 It has always been man?s dream to see and understand the future in an attempt to prepare himself for events which will eventually unfold. This hope is the premise for futuristic novels like George Orwell?s 1984, which, step by step, moves through the life of a rebellious citizen trapped in a world of deceit and propaganda. Very few people have been exposed to such a treacherous environment as Oceania, where Winston, the main character, resides. Therefore, it was necessary for the author to interject certain literary devices to allow for the ability to better relate to a character in Winston?s situation. To accomplish this, Orwell utilizes the theme of individuality versus tyranny, foreshadowing, and irony, in order to fully extract all possible motives behind Winston?s actions. Many countries, such as the United States, are founded on principles of individuality reigning over tyranny, more specifically, the freedom of choice. However, in the futuristic Oceania, run by ?Big Brother?, such freedom and individuality is, for the most part, completely suspended. To act impulsively, or choose to oppose Big Brother, is a ?thoughtcrime? of dire consequence. This is the basis behind the Inner Party?s control of Oceania. Winston however, from the commencement of the novel, showed that he was not willing to conform to such a tyrannical society. From his writing ?DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER? in his diary as the novel opened, to his relationship with Julia, which was considered sexcrime in Oceania, Winston proved his thoughts were antiparallel to those of the Inner Party. The fact that Winston was so ready to rebel was quite courageous in that he knew people who opposed The Party, or were to educated, like Syme, were vaporized. The members of the Inner Party recognized the ab ilities of an educated man to see through the propaganda of Oceania, and would therefore tolerate nothing but ignorance. Winston, however, continued to oppose the state, and commited, in many ways, both thoughtcrime and sexcrime. He joined the Brotherhood, run by Oceania?s first public enemy, Goldstein, and even reads a book published by the man. This action follows Winston?s open attempt to befriend O?Brien in a society which would not condone such outward behavior. The reasoning behind the condemnation of friendship was that it was believed that friendship could lead to alliances that would threaten the reign of the Inner Party. Winston?s barrage of individualistic actions lead The Party to arrest him, as they witnessed his actions from a hidden telescreen behind a picture. Mr. Charrington, the local store manager, who appeared rather genuine, led the arrest, for he was a member of the unknown thoughtpolice. Julia is killed, and Winston is taken by the thoughtpolice to the ministr y of love, where he is to be held for his crimes. As is the basis for futuristic novels such as 1984, Orwell foreshadows much of the events that occur, through vague or inanimate objects. The most noticeable device for foreshadowing was Winston?s dream of the Golden place with fields and rays of light, a basic human paradise. Such a place foreshadows Winston?s capture and incarceration in the Ministry of Love which is a large white building with strong lights continuously beating down upon its inmates. One of the largest symbols in the novel was the breaking of the globe, which can be interpreted in many fashions. One of which is the foreshadowing of the destruction of Winston?s world, as portrayed through the murder of Julia and his capture by the thoughtpolice. Goldstein?s book also is a mechanism by which Orwell foreshadows eventual occurrences in the novel. Such an object, absolutely illegal in Oceania, foreshadows the Winston?s final steps before his capture, authorized by the Inner Party. Other instances, separate from the sec ond book, are also applied for foreshadowing. Winston?s relationship with the prostitute, portraying his search for human companionship, form a preconceived notion of his relationship with Julia and his befriending of O?Brien. These two actions are perhaps, Winston?s two greatest violations against the laws set forth by the Inner Party. Though the theme of individuality versus tyranny and the use of foreshadowing are essential literary devices, it is the application of irony that truly makes the novel a masterpiece. Many ironic events occur during the
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3
Discussion Questions - Essay Example Respond in 100+ words and thread from here for participation on a day you need it. In the process of conducting business, it is unfortunate that there will be times when letters must go out to customers with news they would rather not hear. I have a friend who works in a hotel where many items are left behind by guests. When the items cannot be located, a letter is forwarded from management informing the guest that the item has not been found. The letter is a form letter that an assistant, or sometimes a desk clerk who isnââ¬â¢t busy, will fill in and forward to the guest. The letters are sometimes done in bulk from a list. The first paragraph of the letter thanks the guest and offers hope that their stay was enjoyable. The second paragraph takes no responsibility for the item while assuring them that everything was done to find what was left behind. In the third paragraph, an offer is made to use the letter as proof of a 15% discount on the room rate during the next stay, encouraging further business and good will toward the guest. This is a very effective for m of increasing return business. 2. Here is something you may have seen on the Internetââ¬âexamples of unclear writing from letters received by government agencies. I thought you might get a chuckle from reading the list. It will give you some stress-reducing laughs, but at the same time make you realize that you need to be careful in how you craft your sentences for your papers and other assignments. If you like you can respond to it in 100+ words for participation. If not, just enjoy, chuckle and remember to be precise in YOUR writing! :-) Learning to write clearly can be a challenge. Sentence structure is important in order to convey a clear message that has no room for misinterpretation. When a message is garbled in the translation, the intent and meaning of the communication may be either diminished or disintegrated. As well, the
Saturday, February 1, 2020
The U.S. Civil War was more about State rights than the liberation of Essay
The U.S. Civil War was more about State rights than the liberation of slaves - Essay Example 2). 1 To a large extent, The American Civil can be regarded as a war directed more towards State rights than the liberation of slaves. This is because the ensuing dispute between some states in the South and others in the North regarding taxation of cotton exports, as well as conflicts about the issue of slavery, precipitated the war. Although President Lincoln had tried to make both sides unite, they turned down a treaty called ââ¬Å"The Pickwick Papers.â⬠The Confederate states of the South included California, Florida, and Kansas while the Union States in North comprised of New York, Tennessee, Delaware, Alaska, and Oregon. Based on this, therefore, the paper will provide concrete arguments as to why the American Civil War is considered as war for State rights. The main Objectives of the Union Army at the beginning of the war President Lincoln At the beginning of the war, the main objective that Abraham Lincoln had was to preserve the Union and prevent the Southern states fr om seceding. He had the goal of bringing the seceding states back to the union as soon as it could be possibly done. His adoption of the Winfield Scottââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Anacondaâ⬠Plan reinforced his efforts to prevent the secession of states. This plan agitated for a blockade of all ports in the south, as well as dividing of the Confederacy through controlling Mississippi. Lincoln was determined to see that the seceding states joined the Union since he saw the secession as a threat to his presidency. The secession of the states in the South marked the beginning of the civil war and this happened at a time when Lincoln assumed the office of the president. As such, his determination was to overcome the challenge posed by the secession (Burlingame 2011, p. 10).2 Union Generals2 At the onset of the Civil War in the United States, the army comprised of 16, 367 officers, 4 artillery regiments, and 198 line companies, 5 mounted regiments and infantry, comprising of 10 regiments. The m ajor objective of the Union Army Generals was to maintain the status quo by discouraging the secession of states. This portrays that the Union army believed that the Union had to be maintained so that the states no changes could be witnessed in the states. At the beginning of the war, the Union Generals strived to discriminate against and segregate the blacks. The Generals did not accept the commissioning of black officers in the army, with only one hundred of the blacks being commissioned at the start of the war (Barney 2011, p. 6).3 Union Soldiers/Wives/Citizens/Blacks At the beginning of the civil war, the Union Soldiers fought with the main objective of subduing the seceding states. The war against the South aimed at blocking all the ports in the seceding states. Troops of Union Soldiers advanced towards the South with the main objective being capturing the Confederate states. At the start of the civil war, the objective of the blacks was to see an end to slavery. They had the d etermination to fight against the conditions of servitude, segregation and discrimination that they had faced over the years. African Americans joined the army with the hope that they would help their fellow blacks overcome the slave-like conditions that they had endured for many years (Cimballa & Miller, 2002).3 The main Objectives of the Confederate Army at the beginning of the war. President Davis At the beginning of the Civil War,3 Jefferson Davis used to be the president of the Confederate
Friday, January 24, 2020
Cognitive Enhancer Essay -- Medical Research
Introduction Caffeine is the most widely used stimulant on college campuses. It stimulates the central nervous system as it temporarily combats drowsiness, and restores alertness. Caffeineââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"powersâ⬠are the perfect anecdote for college studentââ¬â¢s busy lives, but what if the opposite was true? Whether students barely come into contact with caffeine, and others use it habitually the study researchers whether caffeine has an effect on their cognitive processes. Daily caffeine regulars and sometime users consume it in many different ways, which are coffee, tea, cola drinks, candy bars, cocoa, cold and diet medications, and sleep prevention compounds, and they also consume it in various different doses. Caffeine is in about 100 medications, stimulants like NoDoz, cold preparations, appetite suppressants and mood elevating agents (Addicott, 2009). The psychophysiological effects of the stimulant include alertness, anxiety, heart rate, and these effects can result in a differe nt performance on different task (Acevedo, 1988). The research questions whether the effects of caffeine have a positive or negative impact on studentââ¬â¢s cognitive abilities. During tasks that involve memory, and other cognitive processes the research will try to confirm the belief that caffeine is a cognitive enhancer. Whether students are in a withdrawn state, a normal caffeinated state, or just moderately use caffeine it has an effect on their memory, attention, planning, capacity, and psychomotor performance. Along with the effects of caffeine, studentââ¬â¢s performance can be influence by other factors such as mood, the time of day, personality, intelligence, age, memory span, education, gender, socioeconomic status, occupation, smoking, expectancy, and/or alcoh... ... Hogervorst, E., Riedel, W.J., Schmitt A. J., Jolles, J. (1998) Caffeine Improves Memory Performance during Distraction in Middle-Aged, But Not in Young or Old Subjects. Human Psychopharmacology, Vol.13, 277-284 Ryan, L., Hatfield, C., Hofstetter, M. (2002). Caffeine Reduces Time of Day Effects on Memory Performance in Older Adults. Psychological Science. Vol.13, no.1, 68-71. Smith A, Sturgess W, Gallagher J. (1999) Effects of a Low Dose of Caffeine Given in Different Drinks on Mood and Performance. Human Psychopharmacology, 14, 473-482 Stafforda, L.D. & Yeomansb, M.R. (2005) Caffeine deprivation state modulates coffee consumption but Not Attentional bias for caffeine-related stimuli, Behavioral Pharmacology, 16,559ââ¬â571 Warburton, D.M. (1995). Effects of caffeine on cognition and mood without caffeine abstinence, Psychopharmacology, 119, 66-70.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Hedonism Definition Essay
Hedonism as a philosophy defines ââ¬Å"the goodâ⬠in terms of pleasure and pain, and is the worldview that holds to the doctrine that pleasure is the greatest good. Now, who wouldnââ¬â¢t define pleasure as good? Arenââ¬â¢t we all by this definition Hedonists? Here is where those three little letters, ââ¬Å"i-s-mâ⬠make their impact. As we have learned, the suffix ââ¬Å"-ismâ⬠transforms a word into a title for an entire life and world view. Hedonism indicates a system of thought, a lense through which to view the universe in which the ââ¬Å"summum bonumâ⬠, the ââ¬Å"highest goodâ⬠of man and the ultimate purpose of his being is found in the enjoyment of pleasure and the avoidance of pain. So what is sought for under this system, constantly and continuously is the increase of pleasure and the decrease of pain. The roots of Hedonism can be traced back to the fifth century BC to the ancient Greek school of the Cyrenaics. The Cyrenaics were named after their native city of Cyrene in North Africa. Their focus on the pleasure of the moment as the supreme good reflected a general skepticism: Only immediate sensations can be known. Concern with the past or the future causes uncertainty and anxiety, and should therefore be avoided. Gross excess and reckless abandon in sexuality and the use of alcohol are associated with this particular philosophical principal. Greek religious devotion to the god Dionysius and later Roman celebrations of the Bacchanalia, orgiastic festivals honoring Bacchus, the god of wine are similar manifestations of a Cyrenaic-style Hedonism. In these cases, the celebrant sought liberation from every-day inhibitions and a mystical experience of ecstasy, aided at times by temple prostitutes. The Epicurean school of hedonistic philosophy might be looked on as the next stage of Hedonism. Named after its founder, Epicurus, and started around 306 BC, Epicureanism was a more moderate variety of the seeking of pleasure, recognizing the problem of: The Hedonistic Paradox If you donââ¬â¢t achieve what is sought, you lose by frustration, if you do achieve what is sought, you lose by boredom. Either way, pleasure is not consistently attained. Therefore Epicureans sought not necessarily the ââ¬Å"maximumâ⬠pleasure, but instead the ââ¬Å"optimumâ⬠pleasure, all things considered. Too much wine leads to a hangover, not euphoria. So the balanced enjoyment of pleasure was the means by which Epicureans sought to achieve philosophical ataraxia, or peace of mind. The term ââ¬Å"epicureanâ⬠is even in use today as denoting a person of exquisite tastes and gourmet palate, enjoying the finer things in life in a refined and sophisticated manner. Hedonism capitalizes on the natural attraction to pleasure and aversion to pain with which we, as feeling creatures, are naturally endowed. Turning the pursuit of pleasure into an ultimate standpoint of value, the hedonist determines the very meaning of ââ¬Å"goodnessâ⬠in terms of pain and pleas ure. Modern forms of Hedonism can be clearly seen, along with their consequences in our social environment. The modern pursuit of happiness, redefined as the pursuit of euphoria, has resulted in extreme expressions of escapism such as drug abuse and alcoholism affecting even the youngest members of society. ââ¬Å"Happinessâ⬠has been translated almost exclusively into the category of ââ¬Å"feelingsâ⬠. The function of the word ââ¬Å"feelingsâ⬠in contemporary culture has undergone a radical change. The concept is so pervasive that standard traditional forms of language, categorical propositions and prefatory statements about theoretical thought have changed to accommodate this word. How often have you heard someone state the following?: ââ¬Å"I feel that you are mistakenâ⬠, or, ââ¬Å"I feel that (this or that) is wrong.â⬠What is actually being talked about here is not a feeling, itââ¬â¢s a cognitive process, itââ¬â¢s thinking. That is not to say that feelings are unimportant; feelings are a vital part of what it means to be human. For the work of the physician, counselor or the psychologist feelings are a totally appropriate category to investigate. In inter-personal relationships youââ¬â¢d better be dealing with the issues of feelings or chances are youââ¬â¢re not communicating very well. Feeling, however is not the same thing as thinking. The concept has so permeated our culture that people are talking about feeling ideas and feeling thoughts. Largely due to ââ¬Å"pop psychologyâ⬠we have become obsessed with the analysis of our moods, which is a focus on our feelings. How has this impacted our lives? If you are a thinking person you already know the answer to that question. Assuming youââ¬â¢ve been awake at some point during the last thirty years, you already know about the ââ¬Å"drug cultureâ⬠; you live in it. Youââ¬â¢ve heard the statistics on teenage alcoholism. Youââ¬â¢ve seen the ââ¬Å"sexual revolutionâ⬠, and its results. The accepted definition of the word ââ¬Å"promiscuityâ⬠prior to the 1960ââ¬â¢s was :â⬠Sexual involvement with more than one person outside the bonds of marriageâ⬠. The ââ¬Å"liberatedâ⬠Helen Gurley Brown gave us a new definition: ââ¬Å"Having sexual relations with more than one person in the same day.â⬠Are you aware that the divorce rate in the United States is estimated at fifty percent? It is when we buy into the doctrine that life is to be lived to escape pain, including responsibility for anything uncomfortable that we begin to feel the impact of a philosophy of radical Hedonism. By saying the avoidance of pain and the pursuit of pleasure is ââ¬Å"the goodâ⬠(not just ââ¬Ëgoodââ¬â¢, but ââ¬Å"The Goodâ⬠), Hedonism is making a value judgement, which in the hierarchical structure of philosophy produces a system of ethics, which in turn produces behavior patterns of morality. These are the cultural, ethical and philosophical reasons for the changes we have seen in society. As in all forms of philosophy based in secularism, Hedonism removes the Transcendent, destroys any Ultimate basis for Truth and Goodness, and leaves us with ââ¬Å"feelingsâ⬠, preferences, and a totally subjective basis for ethics and morality.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Essay on The Role of Isolation in As I Lay Dying - 1298 Words
William Faulknerââ¬â¢s novel, As I Lay Dying, tells the story of a family that journeys cross-country with the intentions to find a proper resting place for their mother, Addie Bundren. After reading for only a short time, it becomes clear that two of her sons, Jewel and Darl, play a much larger role in the story than the other siblings. One could find many good points to support either character being labeled as the protagonist of the story, such as the various tensions that can clearly be seen between them. That being said, Darl is, without a doubt, the best possible choice. He is forced to overcome more obstacles, including alienation from his entire family, than any other character, and is truly a changed person by the end of the novel.â⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦He usually doesnââ¬â¢t get along with his brother, Jewel, and often scrutinizes and makes fun of him, most likely out of pure jealousy. At one point, Darl goes so far as to try to keep Jewel isolated from his mo ther as she is dying. Darl also has what can only be described as telepathic abilities. He is the only character in the book that can accurately describe what is occurring at locations other than the one he is at. This ability is discovered when it becomes obvious that Darl knows of Dewey Dellââ¬â¢s pregnancy, despite the fact that she has maintained absolute secrecy in the matter. In fact, Darl discovers Addieââ¬â¢s death telepathically, and is able to tell Jewel about her death before either one of them have even returned to the house to see her. Darlââ¬â¢s own telepathy will become the biggest obstacle he is forced to confront in the novel, and it will eventually lead to his demise. While Darl does embark on the cross-country journey with the rest of his family, he never fully supports or commits himself the idea. This resurfaces towards the end of the novel when it becomes apparent that Darl feels embarrassed about traveling across the country with his motherââ¬â¢s corpse. The result of these feelings is Darlââ¬â¢s decision to burn down the barn that is sheltering Addieââ¬â¢s coffin. This gives the reader enough information to make an assumption as to what the Bundren familyââ¬â¢s opinion of Darl really is: Could they perhaps view him as aShow MoreRelatedMarriage Is A Spiritual Act1282 Words à |à 6 Pagesbride, and the expectations He had from His bride. Marriage is An Example to a Dying World S econd, we must realize we are to model the spiritual act for a dying world; see Ephesians 5:25-27. The current world we live in is filled with despair, confusion, isolation, independence, and hurt. The world is filled with hurting people all seeking an answer to their grief. The biblical marriage union shows to a dying world the best example of love. 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